

~ "The people's good is the highest law." ~ Cicero, Roman politician and lawyer

商业法律研究 Program has always been an integral part of the core curriculum of the 商学院 (COB). Mandated by the American Association of Collegiate Schools of 业务 (AACSB), 商业法律研究 has continually evolved with changes in the COB and the commercial environment. 商业法律研究 courses place a strong emphasis on developing ethical awareness and decision making as encouraged by the AACSB.

The 商业法律研究 (BLAW) courses cover the following subjects, 等, required of the COB "common body of knowledge,或者核心课程:

  • Legal Aspects of 业务 Transactions (BLAW 220)
  • Legal Environment of 业务 (BLAW 320)
  • 商业道德专题
  • 国际法专题

商业法律研究 introduces students to the legal environment in which they must conduct their personal and professional lives. Since the legal system governs the relations between individuals and 组织, it is incumbent upon those within a society to understand that system if they are to survive, 繁荣, and contribute to their society. 给n the increasing sophistication and litigious nature of our society, 商业法律研究 is now, 更甚于以往, a critical part of the COB curriculum.

学生 from all majors who are interested in law school are encouraged to contact the Law Society, a student organization that sponsors speakers, 法学院博览会, 以及其他活动.

业务 law is sometimes called mercantile law or commercial law and refers to the laws that govern the dealings between people and commercial matters. There are two distinct areas of business law; regulation of commercial entities through laws of partnership, 公司, 破产, and agency and the second is regulation of the commercial transactions through the laws of contract. The history of these types of laws dates back several centuries and can be seen in the peace-guilds where members would pledge to stand by each other for protection. A lot of business law involves trying to prevent problems that can hurt the business or cause legal disputes. 业务 law may include any of the following:

1. 正确的公司形式. Is your business set up as a partnership, LLC, sole proprietorship, or limited partnership? 

2. Agreements with employees and other businesses.

3. 购买条款. Agreements with contractors and employees,

4. 保护你的名字.  domain names or trademarks before starting their business.

5. 保护商业秘密. 

6. Examine your property agreements.

7. Look at how you collect data.  General Data Protection Regulation goes into effect in May. You need European consumers' go-ahead for using their data--otherwise, you could face fines as large as four percent of revenues.

8. ADA Compliance  includes accessibility in both workplace and online.

This course is supported by our 法律研究 program: CBA 400 - 业务 Ethics


Prerequisites: GE Foundation requirement, at least one Explorations course, consent of instructor.
Various types of ethical dilemmas that take place in business 组织 and acquire concepts and tools needed to manage these complex value conflicts for the well being of individuals, 组织, 和社会.

只提供字母等级(A-F). 和PHIL 400一样的课程. Not open for credit to students with credit in PHIL 400.

If you have any legal issues, then help is here. The Legal Resourse Center has the support you need to assist you find the answers to these and other legal issues. Or maybe you are interested in a career in law. There are many volunteer opportunities for interested students.